HI!!!!haha...sorry that i never post for about 1month plus.......so sorry........haha....
2day in geo lesson hav a small test then we hav our math lesson but our math teacher which is miss yee never come....haha.....then i use the free time to do my homework...then of course use some of the time to sleep!!!two period leh......mm.....is about 1hr30min if i'm not wrong.....haha...During recces eat rice.....meat.....veg.........haha....so full....my friend shen dian eat one plate of rice and a bowl of fishball noodle!!!!oh my god......:) after reccess we had our english lesson,listen to the miss chee talking will sleep wan....so boring and her voice is damn sharp!!!!she kept repeat a sentence...forget liao....heehee.....so luo suo....... okok....hav to end......bye guys....